اطلب دورتك التدريبية

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Project name: Alternative Approaches to Enhanced Financial Inclusion of SME in the Palestinian Territories

Assignment: Training of Trainers (TOT)

Terms of Reference

Duration: will be determined after selection

Level of Efforts: Train 20 trainers for the maximum of 15 training hours

Palestinian Banking Institute (PBI) is a non-profit organization. PBI delivers specialized training and consultation services in Financial, Banking, Managerial and other topics to enhance targeted audience and sectors’ capabilities and skills.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups create jobs and allow many people to earn their own income. However, these types of businesses in the Palestinian Territories have insufficient access to financing. As a result, they cannot implement their ideas, create new products and services, successfully access new markets, or realize their full potential.

The GIZ project “Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME in Palestine” (A-FIN) aims to improve the access, usage and quality of financial services for Palestinian enterprises. For that end, A-FIN works on the sides of financial awareness and regulator’s capacities, and facilitates market entries of innovative, technology-driven financial solutions (“Fintech”).

Specifically on the side of financial awareness, A-FIN supports the regulators PCMA and PMA in producing and distributing educational content for enterprises and users; the project furthermore intends to work with social media influencers to distribute online tutorials; and lastly the project targets so-called “multipliers” – institutions and individuals that themselves reach out to enterprises, train and advise, influence or teach them.

This cooperation with a trainer shall support the financial awareness component towards multipliers. This would be envisioned to be implemented by customized events and trainings in a Training-of-Trainer’s approach targeting the specific informational needs and interests for the demand and interests of SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups – explicitly comprising all available and desirable ways of financial products and services (banking & non-banking) and enterprise finance, including classical products, alternative products, Islamic products, and innovative, technology-driven solutions.

Palestinian multipliers who reach out to enterprises are capacitated to provide trainings and advisory for enterprises on the responsible use of financial services. The multipliers shall have knowledge, tools and networks to be enabled to share (more) information on financial services for enterprises and serve as knowledge multipliers.

Assignment objectives
The TOT training will contribute to improved qualifications of at 20 trainers , who will train multipliers, of which part of them are women and part of them from disadvantaged areas train SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups about all available and desirable ways of financial products and services (banking & non-banking) and enterprise finance, including classical products, alternative products, Islamic products, and innovative, technology-driven solutions to contribute positively to the responsible usage of the before-mentioned products & services.

Trainers have deepened their knowledge and understanding of before-mentioned financial products & services and their responsible usage; key tools in (adult) learning & training, facilitation, common understanding on financial education and have first practical experiences with the training approach; they are trained on developing curricula and materials to be delivered through subject project & providing trainings and advisory for SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups on financial education about before-mentioned products & services & the responsible use of them.

Scope of work
This assignment is to conduct a comprehensive capacity building program (Training of Trainers) for Trainers who will train selected multipliers. The trainer will be responsible for providing the following services in close collaboration with GIZ and a consultant:

Selection of the candidates for the Training of Trainers through analysis of their CVs, GIZ’s criteria and any other additional method developed by the consultant

Estimate the time of the training and propose the time frame indicating if the training can be done in one or several stages;

Conduct the training of trainers for the selected participants including;

Creating a common understanding of joint responsibility of the multipliers for financial education and the relevance of financial education & its objectives, core messages, methods and delivery channels, target groups, etc.

How to do develop/upgrade training materials to be used online and during face-to-face trainings

How to deliver trainings with possibility to deliver trainings via ZOOM or another video platform when needed

Target groups’ needs assessment combined with appropriate products and services at various stages
How to formulate learning objective / main messages (overall for the course and for every training day)

Interactive exchange on tools, training methodology and techniques combined with presentations, group work, practical exercises and role plays

Advise Trainers regarding necessary measures to develop and improve of content material; provide inputs for the development of training modules and materials etc.

Familiarize the trainers with teaching approaches through simulations of (training) sessions/ pilot trainings in learning groups & evaluate each simulation (strengths of simulation and improvements)

Preferred: How to create a common understanding and introduction to the topic of financial education (terminology, innovations and emerging topics in the financial education sphere (e.g. digital responsible finance)

Learning methods (e.g. presentation, group work, case study (a part of the case studies could be borne from experiences of multipliers, cooperation partners), role plays, group discussions, panel discussions, or other interactive learning sessions etc., combining practical examples and the theoretic background

Delivery models/channels for financial education, e.g. trainings (group-based training, workplace programmes, cooperation with e.g. chambers etc.),

Preferred:Use of innovative technology and innovation to deliver financial education

Preferred: Financial education measures with specific focus on SMEs, entrepreneurs, and start-ups

Feedback and evaluation report:

Draft a feedback sheet which multipliers will fill at the end of the training
write the evaluation and feedback report of the training, containing most relevant observations and learnings as well as suggestions for improvement, recommendations for any further specific support required
Expected Outputs (Deliverables)
Expected deliverables in line with scope of work, but not limited to:

Evaluation report on the Trainers who got the TOT through submitted CVs or other methods proposed by the consultant in close coordination with GIZ;

Comprehensive training material (write up and presentation) covering all the aspects of the training of trainer’s programme

TOT course outline
Training contents
Pre-training package
TOT materials including modules, presentation, curriculum etc.
Feedback sheet
Comprehensive training manual as a guideline for the trainers

Conduct TOT training for the selected Trainers

Reporting and evaluations:

Feedback & evaluation report on the conducted training including recommendation of how the trained multipliers will conduct the training and coaching and if further training is needed

رام الله